Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Blog??

Yes...I've done it again. All of you who have "tried" following my blogs (yes, plural... blogs) I'm here again! I'm here to admit my failures and start fresh! I'm really good at starting things but sticking to them has always been a little harder for me. But coming off of nearly a full week of daily saying- "i really need to write that down!" or "i hope i remember that" I have come to the conclusion that I must try this once again. I'm not going to promise daily entries... I'll try or weekly or maybe monthly recaps- ha! I'm going to try and post things other than things about Finley or pictures of her... although I can't promise you anything.

We don't have that exciting of a life to most but it's ours and we love it. We are far from perfect and there are many days that we feel like pulling our hair out but we are trying to be the best parents to a feisty 2 year old we can be and to honor God while doing it - much harder than it sounds!! Hope you enjoy a look into our crazy, blessed life!

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